A Big Dialogue, Gen Z Edition (AUS)

Wed 2 October 2024


The Tivoli

Presented By

The Brisbane Dialogues

Date / Time

Doors 6:00PM
Start 7:00PM
Licensed All Ages


From $40


Reserved Seating
Licensed All Ages

The Brisbane Dialogues, now part of the Australian Dialogues network, continues its mission to facilitate productive, across-the-aisle discussions in pursuit of common ground and possible solutions, or at least, better understanding of conflicting views.

Let’s demonstrate once again that contentious national issues can be discussed frankly, fearlessly and civilly, in a non-partisan way, in public, by people with different views, in good faith, in pursuit of truth, progress and better policy!

The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, published in March, documented and tapped into widespread concerns that smartphones and social media in particular are seriously damaging a whole generation and brewing up big social problems. It has turned into something of an international movement, exemplified by various legislative moves in the US and the recent announcements both major parties in support of a ban on social media until age 16 in Australia.

So what *should* be done about it, and by whom? And what does the generation in question have to say about that? Specifically, is such a ban part of the answer, or not?

The Dialogues are for curious, concerned citizens who are willing to listen respectfully to views they don't agree with in order to understand complexities better and are open to refining or even changing their own position. It is not for those who have made their minds up, who only want to promote a fixed position, or just cheer on speakers they do agree with. It's much more interesting than rattling around in your usual echo chamber!

The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress. Joseph Joubert

The dialogue will be conducted under The Brisbane Rule, which includes the audience as well as the speakers on stage!  All participants agree to listen carefully, speak civilly and concentrate on the content of discussions, not on characters - before, during and afterwards, online and offline.

As always, we will have a panel of accomplished speakers (and listeners) with diverse views and expertise, moderated in an in-depth, long-form, enlightening discussion in a congenial, conducive setting. 


  • Peter Greste - Professor of Journalism, Macquarie University and journalist, speaker and media freedom advocate
